I know I am kind of hit or miss here. I am sorry!!! There is a show this Saturday at the Lake Pointe community center. The Lake Pointe Spring Fling (doors open at 10)...there are lots of vendors and great things to see. Plum Liddie will be there and we are partnering for some cool photo jewelry ideas. I will be selling double your money gift certificates (up to $50 purchase) and offering a free 8X10 to anyone who books a session while at the show. I will also be showing some of my new senior images and looking for two 2008 senior reps. If you know of anyone, send them my way.
I love doing this as you all know, but I also love to follow my own vision too. These are the types of images that I adore taking, but aren't as traditional as my typical style. These were just some snapshots after lunch the other day...I can only con my own kids into doing this occasionally, so I also grabbed a friend:) If you are ever in the mood for some trendy, unconventional shots...PLEASE let me know!
Hope to see you all Saturday between 10 and 4!