The photography community is HUGE, but also small in a lot of ways. There is a little game going around and I have been tagged by the wonderful photographer...Michelle Carr. The game is to post 8 random facts about myself and then tag 8 other photographers to share about themselves. Sooo, here we go...
1. I eat a McDonald's biscuit and a large diet coke every morning Monday-Friday. My day is really off without it.
2. I held hands with George Strait at a concert while he sang So Good In Love:)
3. When I was 5, I carried the Flag in the Pancake Day Parade (you may have to google that).
4. I am a HUGE Kansas State fan.
5. Tulips are my favorite flowers.
6. I have been a vegetarian for 20 years...(my criteria involves not eating anything with eyes or blood). I can still cook a mean steak...( I think...I have never tasted it)
7. I have been married 12 years.
8. My favorite color to wear is black, although my husband will tell me everytime that I am a "warm" and should be wearing brown.
I am now tagging.....
Dawn Sela
Susan Braswell
Images of Grace Photography
NicholeV Photography
More later...