Do you remember being five? I sorta do. I remember playing outside until late, loving tag and hide and seek...I also remember making mud pies. I know that most people think of that as kind of a joke, but I really did hunt for different colors of dirt, mix in water and wait for it to dry up. Five was fun from what I can remember...and now seeing that age in my own kids and in clients' is just an age of sweet innocence. Five is on the verge of becoming a "kid". I remember it was almost like a panic when I saw my little boy becoming a kid, and I just wanted to stop time. Starting kindergarten is huge and a little bittersweet. My son is definitely a kid now, so I cherish the picture I took of him holding his stuffed dog, that picture he is still my little guy. (I love the "kid" too:)) Here is to stopping time for just a second.
Little M was soooo photogenic and just an absolute pleasure to photograph. She is five and may be growing up, but she is obviously becoming a lovely young lady.