I wanted to share with you all an organization that I know is doing great things. It is called Colin's Hope. Jana and Jeff Holst started this organization to raise awareness regarding adolescent drowning. They are taking pre-orders for the cookbook now and I can tell you from personal experience, that these are wonderful and brave people who are helping others in the face of the tragedy they have endured.
Please visit the site and help them make a difference.
This is from their mission statement...
Dear Friends and Family,
"When our 4 _ year old son Colin drowned in June of this year we realized immediately that we needed to take action to help prevent future child drownings. This led us to form the non-profit organization, “Colin’s Hope.”
Mission Statement
Colin’s Hope is a non-profit corporation that creates and supports programs that directly help aid in preventing children from drowning. Despite numerous sources for water safety, the number of children who drown per year is staggering. Colin’s Hope of saving children from drowning is being achieved through improved water safety awareness and standards throughout the community.
As part of our very first fundraiser we are selling Colin’s Cookbook. What started simply as a way to say “thank you” and remember the wonderful meals so many of you provided to us during our time of loss, has now blossomed into so much more. Within the pages of the cookbook, you will find treasured family recipes, everything you ever wanted to know about eating sushi, and many other surprises along the way!
Have you ever wondered what Kimberly and Dennis Quaid’s favorite dinner is and from what restaurant? Curious about Texas Governor Rick Perry’s favorite chili recipe or the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's favorite dessert? Well, thanks to their generosity you need not wonder any longer. Whether it’s a World Champion Free diver, 2008 Beijing Olympic Gold medal winner, Heisman Trophy winner, legendary UT football coaches, professional NFL and MLB athletes, or musicians, we have their favorite recipes scattered throughout the cookbook for you and your family to enjoy."
“Fatal drowning remains the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1 to 14 years.” – Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention