I PROMISE! They like me, they really do. This was just the FIRST image on the card...she totally warmed up to me after this...I'm sure she didn't mean it:)
See here is another one...totally loved me by this point. And this one...
I have always wanted to do these, and have never planned enough in advance, but this year I think I did it:) These are one day only and will have very limited availability. Here's the deal: January 24th Only All White (white background, white clothing...white accessories) 15 Minute mini session in Studio 5 proofs to choose from 1 8x10 & 2 5x7s( same pose) $100 These would be great Valentine's Day Gifts!
And...they keep coming:) I love it! Miss A was a doll and parents were open to my ideas...it was a piece of cake:) For things like this...ya gotta love the January weather in Austin....
I hope your holidays were wonderful. I enjoyed spending time with my family and meeting lots of new babies:) I am just back into the editing process, so more will follow soon, but here are just a few of the ones that were recently welcomed to the world!