I am so sorry for the weeks of no posts, but in my defense, it has been a few busy weeks.
~I had a little guy turn 8. I still can't believe it. For so long he was my baby and now he is 8. A boy. A big kid. He is sometimes still my little cuddle bug, but is also mixed in with some attitude here and there.
~I sent my two oldest off the elementary...5th and 2nd. I cannot believe that my little girl will start MIDDLE school next year, but I won't rush it.
~And today...I sent my little baby, my little buddy off to Mom's day out. No tears from him. He was excited to play and looked like he was trying to figure out why all the kids were crying. He is already growing up. Time just slips by. Uggh. My eyes are filling up just writing this.
So, I am done with the excuses and will move on to the posting. :)