It is always a little bittersweet when the kids start school. They are excited for the new teachers, seeing their friends again, etc., but it also marks another end of the year's summer vacations, lazy family days. The year they start kindergarten amplifies this by 1000. I remember being so emotional knowing they were starting school. I have one left at home, so I get to do this one more time:) It is crazy to me how time flies. I look at pictures of them on their first days of school, when I thought they were sooo big, and they look like babies. This year, I am marking the beginning of the year with back to school minis. They will be very limited, as we don't have much time:) I have 3 dates available and only 4 spots each day (2 mornings and 1 evening). The sessions will be 10 minutes and feature your child with a vintage school desk, and will be shot outside. Each session is $100 and includes the session, 2 5x7s, and a set of wallets (all one pose). You will get 3-5 proofs to choose from for the package. Any additional prints can be ordered ala carte. Clothes are really important in these sessions. You can make the image timeless with traditional clothes, fun with hats and funky outfits, or add your own details to include your child's personality. Whether they are starting preschool, kindergarten, or any other grade...the most important thing is that you are stopping time for just a few minutes and recording another year:) Sessions are first come first served.

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