Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Canvas Sale!!!
It is that time of year again. During January and February, all gallery wrapped canvas is 20% off. There are only a few openings left in January, so get on the books to take advantage of this one a year offer:)
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Official Winner....Austin Children's Photography! Congrats to Little Miss R and mom and dad. You guys are wonderful and it will be a pleasure to get to photograph your little cutie again:)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It is Contest Time:)
We are coming up on a new year...(can you believe it?) That means it is time for a contest for my new splash page image. What's in it for me is a new image on my site...what's in it for you is a free session, and one for a friend. You can only vote one time per computer. It has been a wonderful year, full of beautiful children, and amazing clients, and I am blessed to have been trusted with the opportunity to capture moments for you.











Tuesday, December 09, 2008
On. My. Goodness.

I am a softy, but this baby makes me want to have more....If for no other reason than to try this with my own. This little guy did everything we wanted him to do. And look at him...are you kidding me? Such a cutie. Mom and Dad were so brave, and let me do whatever I wanted (:))!!!
So, for my quick public service announcement. I know it is hard, but photographing babies in the first two weeks, preferably even the first week, is the best time to take images. They are putty in our hands, and that doesn't last long:) Speaking from someone who has a wonderful, but somewhat opinionated 9 year old, headstrong 7 year old, and a 10 month old that thinks he is in charge (he is...who am I kidding)...let's take advantage of the two weeks where we call the shots:)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sweet little baby...
Monday, November 03, 2008
Clothing Ideas

I know that photo sessions can be stressful, but let's try to take a little bit of the stress away. Although I like simple, layers and texture can really make the image. Clothing plays a big role...
I like kids to coordinate but not "match" perfectly. A photographer friend of mine put these together and they are totally my style. Here are some examples of great outfits from Gap. You don't need to copy these types of outfits exactly, but you get the idea. I hope these are helpful and make life a tiny bit less stressful:)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Little Models...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Colin's Hope
I wanted to share with you all an organization that I know is doing great things. It is called Colin's Hope. Jana and Jeff Holst started this organization to raise awareness regarding adolescent drowning. They are taking pre-orders for the cookbook now and I can tell you from personal experience, that these are wonderful and brave people who are helping others in the face of the tragedy they have endured.
Please visit the site and help them make a difference.
This is from their mission statement...
Dear Friends and Family,
"When our 4 _ year old son Colin drowned in June of this year we realized immediately that we needed to take action to help prevent future child drownings. This led us to form the non-profit organization, “Colin’s Hope.”
Mission Statement
Colin’s Hope is a non-profit corporation that creates and supports programs that directly help aid in preventing children from drowning. Despite numerous sources for water safety, the number of children who drown per year is staggering. Colin’s Hope of saving children from drowning is being achieved through improved water safety awareness and standards throughout the community.
As part of our very first fundraiser we are selling Colin’s Cookbook. What started simply as a way to say “thank you” and remember the wonderful meals so many of you provided to us during our time of loss, has now blossomed into so much more. Within the pages of the cookbook, you will find treasured family recipes, everything you ever wanted to know about eating sushi, and many other surprises along the way!
Have you ever wondered what Kimberly and Dennis Quaid’s favorite dinner is and from what restaurant? Curious about Texas Governor Rick Perry’s favorite chili recipe or the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's favorite dessert? Well, thanks to their generosity you need not wonder any longer. Whether it’s a World Champion Free diver, 2008 Beijing Olympic Gold medal winner, Heisman Trophy winner, legendary UT football coaches, professional NFL and MLB athletes, or musicians, we have their favorite recipes scattered throughout the cookbook for you and your family to enjoy."
“Fatal drowning remains the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1 to 14 years.” – Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Please visit the site and help them make a difference.
This is from their mission statement...
Dear Friends and Family,
"When our 4 _ year old son Colin drowned in June of this year we realized immediately that we needed to take action to help prevent future child drownings. This led us to form the non-profit organization, “Colin’s Hope.”
Mission Statement
Colin’s Hope is a non-profit corporation that creates and supports programs that directly help aid in preventing children from drowning. Despite numerous sources for water safety, the number of children who drown per year is staggering. Colin’s Hope of saving children from drowning is being achieved through improved water safety awareness and standards throughout the community.
As part of our very first fundraiser we are selling Colin’s Cookbook. What started simply as a way to say “thank you” and remember the wonderful meals so many of you provided to us during our time of loss, has now blossomed into so much more. Within the pages of the cookbook, you will find treasured family recipes, everything you ever wanted to know about eating sushi, and many other surprises along the way!
Have you ever wondered what Kimberly and Dennis Quaid’s favorite dinner is and from what restaurant? Curious about Texas Governor Rick Perry’s favorite chili recipe or the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's favorite dessert? Well, thanks to their generosity you need not wonder any longer. Whether it’s a World Champion Free diver, 2008 Beijing Olympic Gold medal winner, Heisman Trophy winner, legendary UT football coaches, professional NFL and MLB athletes, or musicians, we have their favorite recipes scattered throughout the cookbook for you and your family to enjoy."
“Fatal drowning remains the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1 to 14 years.” – Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Just In Case...

mom and dad were worried....I thought I would post a few to let you know that we got her:) She took a minute to warm up, but her beautiful spirit shows up just perfectly.
I also wanted to mention that I am about to launch my next "splash page contest" so look for your little cutie if you have had a recent session. I am going to randomly pick the sessions and then choose my favorite shot. Good luck to everyone!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sweet boy...

Little boys just have a way into my heart. I have said it before...this is my favorite age to photograph. Such a sweet little guy with the sweetest personality. Mom and Grandma drove it from Houston for the shoot and they were all (baby included) troopers.
As a side note, thank you so much to all of my wonderful clients that refer me. I have had multiple clients recently that have traveled from Houston and Dallas all because of a referral from a thank you. That is the best compliment I could get:)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Oh, Miss P
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Gorgeous girls...

I am so sorry that I have been neglecting my blog. I need to stay more on top of it, and am pledging to make an effort:) I had the honor of photographing these young ladies about a year and a half ago...they were wonderful then and were wonderful again this time. Mom and dad should be so proud...they are not only gorgeous, but sweet and polite too!
Friday, September 26, 2008
It has been a long time...
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Absolutely gorgeous kiddo...
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Bring on the Newborns...

I feel like I have had so many newborn sessions lately:) I think you all are trying to push me over the edge with having another....
I met this sweet bundle just this morning. SUCH a good baby. She made life easy for me. My little guy on the other hand is keeping me up all night with new teeth. I think I know why God made babies so cute.....
On another note...don't forget to check out the Christmas cards and book your session. I hate it when I can't fit clients in, so if you want in, call now.
I will be out of the office September 14th-19th.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Four Days Old

This little guy is so lucky...his mom is Supermom. He is the third under five, and she was still able to get him to me (along with his siblings, herself, dad and grandma) at only four days old! Can I also say that they were ALL ready for pictures, AND it was only 10:00? They are a great family and I have photographed them several times...always a pleasure. Big sis is my "poster girl" on my splash page, and I can tell that he is so cute, he will fit in just fine. Until next time....
Friday, August 22, 2008
Twice the fun...
Thursday, August 21, 2008

I love the dynamic of three sisters. Probably because I grew up in a house with three girls. It is amazing how three people can be so different living in the same house. We had our times of major fights (junior high and high school) and somehow as different as we are/were, we have grown up to be best friends. These three girls are totally different...I didn't see any fighting btw :)...but they probably don't realize quite yet how lucky they are to grow up with their best friends...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Christmas 2008!

I cannot believe that it is already time to think about Christmas!!! The designs are complete. Many of them are completely original to Fancy Pants Photography, but ALL will only be used once each by my clients. The way it works is just like in years past...if you see a design you like, call me to set up your session, let me know which card you have chosen, and I remove it from the site. It is a first come, first serve situation. If you don't see one that you love, I can design one specifically for you. There is a small fee for this, and cost depends on what you are looking for. All Christmas sessions have to be complete by the first week in November, and the last day to order cards will be November 20th. To view the designs, just go to and go to galleries. The designs are under Christmas 2008 and this year no password:)
I hope you love them!
Until next time...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Totally cool onesies...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Christmas is coming soon!!!

Or at least my Christmas designs. Check here in the next few weeks, as I will be releasing the 2008 designs and taking reservations. Because I hate to post without an image...and because I am a proud mom...just one of my little guy. Hopefully I am not scarring him too badly with all the ways I dress him up for session;)
Thursday, August 07, 2008
An Awesome Family
Friday, August 01, 2008
Maybe I should have another...

seeing all these newborns makes me want one:) My husband will yank me back into reality though:) Could you not just eat him up? Sooo cute. I did his big brother's newborn session early last year, and it was an honor to shoot this little guy as well. Get ready mom....and dad...there are lots of cute shots where this one came from:)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Mr. Cool and His Little Sis
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