I am still tweaking things a little bit, and I will of course be adding a splash page with a client image. Which image...will be up to you. The contest will be posted in the next couple of days, and then...let the voting begin. Until then...please visit my new site, and tell me what you think:)
The other contest I talked about...I have found the most AMAZING coffee table books. They far surpass anything else I have seen, and I am going to offer them. To kick the new product off, anyone who books in April, May, or June will be entered in a drawing to receive a free book designed by me:) This is a BIG value. The books will retail for $2500 and will have 30 pages...they are gorgeous 9x13 with metallic pages. Amazingly beautiful books. I will also offer these books at 30% off to anyone who books a session during that 3 month period.
Finally, I am baaaccckkkk. I did my first 2 sessions yesterday and it was so much fun. Here is a sneak peak for the moms:)