We have lived in Austin for about five years now, and we have had the honor of becoming friends with so many wonderful people. After moving to Texas, I don't know that I could live anywhere else. The people here are the kind of people that welcome you into their lives with open arms and make you feel like you have always been there. My kids have met wonderful friends as well...friends I know they will have for years and years. New York will soon be getting one of the families we have been so fortunate to know, and it will be a better place for having welcomed them. I know they will do great and make new friends and their lives will be happy and blessed. We will miss you, but hope only the very best for you...
I got the chance to do a session with them just this morning, but I wanted to post just a few. Love you guys and so do our kids:)
Kelli, what beautiful photos! I'm so excited! You were able to capture the spirit and personality of my kids which is truly a rare and special gift. Thanks Kelli - we have been blessed to have known your family and will miss all of you so much!! Anita
These are really nice! I love the second one, great location!
Hi Ashley this is KT and i LOVE the pics!!!
The images are just wonderful. The emotion just oozes from them. Great job!
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