Monday, December 11, 2006
Catching Up...
I have really fallen behind! I have photographed sooo many beautiful children and families this month, and I just haven't had time to post them here. I am finally winding down, and will not be doing any more sessions this year. I am going to take this time (aside from the normal Christmas craziness) to update my blog, my site, and launch my new senior site. Thanks to all of you for making this such a great year! Here is one of the recent beauties that I had the pleasure to photograph.

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Christmas Cards....and envelopes
I wanted to give everyone a heads up. It looks like some of the cards that were delivered a month and a half to two months ago were the wrong size. My lab sent a few packages of envelopes that are 1/4 inch too small. Please check your envelopes before you stamp or address them to verify the size. If you have a package that is the wrong size, let me know and I will get them replaced as soon as possible. I am sooo sorry for this inconvenience!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Last Minute Shopping
Monday, November 13, 2006
Great Session

I had sooo much fun doing this senior session. She was up for anything that I asked her to do...including laying down in the middle of a bridge and dodging all the bikers/joggers that came by. It was all worth it:) I had to come straight home and edit at least a couple of these right away. She is gorgeous, and if you saw Mom, you would know why.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Time for Tea
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Boys hold a special little place. My little boy is all about mom...which I don't mind at all. I love how they are cuddly and sweet...at least when they are little. Mine is on the edge between little guy and big boy. It is scary to see them grow up, it happens so fast. Makes me want to freeze time:)
Ok, now for the sneak peak, two darling little boys who loved bugs:) We played outside and found lots of rolypolies(I have no idea how that is spelled) I have some of them with the bugs, but here are a few in the studio.
***I am now completely booked through December, and January is filling up, please call or email for session availability. I apologize to anyone I could not accomodate, this is a crazy time of year.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Holiday Collectibles

The show went great and it was nice to see so many familiar faces. The drawing for the free session and 8X10 was drawn this morning (by my husband) and the lucky winner is....Tracy Armstrong. Thanks so all of you that signed up, I will be doing a few runner up specials for free 8x10s. I will contact you via email if you are a winner. If you missed the show, here is one of the booth:)
Monday, October 30, 2006
Awwww, a sleeping baby

They hardly ever sleep for me, but this one...I could move, curl up, wrap up, just about anything...and he stayed asleep. Such a doll!!!
On another note, Babes and Buckaroos is having an Open House for preferred customers (that is you!) on Thursday, November 3, from 6-9pm. There will be a jewelry trunk show and all of their yummy clothes. You will receive 10% off your purchases and shop while drinking champagne:) I will also have double your money gift certificates available up to a $200 value (you write me a check for $100, I give you a gift certificate for $200...can't beat that). If you miss it on Thursday, come see me on Friday ro Saturday at the Holiday Collectibles at Westlake Hills Church on Bee Cave Rd.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I love to photograph babies. I love the big ones too, but babies....there is just something about them. I am posting a recent baby that I loved...do not worry mom, I have GORGEOUS ones of your boys too, but I am posting the littlest one.
Speaking of babies...Darla, I can't wait to see you tomorrow, and I heard through the grapevine that he is 7 days tomorrow!:)
I will forgive you for not calling me and telling me that he was two days early! If you are considering newborn shots...the earlier the better. Call me right after grandma:) Anyway, just one today.
Monday, October 23, 2006
I love to photograph siblings, but especially twins. They really have their own little thing going. Getting a glimpse of such a neat relationship is always fun. Between the two of them, I bet they can give mom a run for her money:) I just started looking through this session, but I had to post one...truly gorgeous girls!

Don't forget to stop by Holiday Collectibles on Nov. 4-5 @ Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church. I will be offering "double your money" gift certificates up to a $200 value. You can also register to win a free session fee!

Don't forget to stop by Holiday Collectibles on Nov. 4-5 @ Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church. I will be offering "double your money" gift certificates up to a $200 value. You can also register to win a free session fee!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Ok, so sometimes we switch gears...

I tell you that I am laid back and I truly want you to feel that way when you come in. I don't want it to be stressful, but I know that it sometimes is:) When I photograph my own children, it is another story, and I am not nearly as easy going. I don't know why that is, but it is. The girls today were just darling!!! We had to switch gears a little because the baby was scared of the flash, but Mom...this is just a peek to let you know that it is all okay:)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Holy Smokes!

There are some gorgeous little girls out there. I am sure you all know, as many of you have them. Isn't it just amazing how quick they grow up and how SCARY it is. I know this, because I have one too. This post is just to show off a few of the girls I have had the opportunity to photograph lately. Lock'em up Moms:)
On another note, I am completely booked for Christmas sessions, but I am booking regular sessions for late November and the beginning of December. I apologize for anyone I was unable to accomodate, if you would like to be added to the wait list, just email me.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Singing in the Rain

We don't get much here, but if we do, she is ready. She had the cutest little props for our session. You all know that I love the close up serious shots, but I like a little fun in there too. I really encourage bringing things that play into your child's personality. We will get the close up, but they are only little once:)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Ohhhhhh, I love newborns

This guy is only a week old. He was beautiful...I know handsome is what you are "supposed" to call little boys, but he is beautiful! I really had fun with this session...sleep alluded us, but that is ok. Mom...between you and me, I LOVE THIS SESSION! I am so excited for you to see. I am not showing an up close one, because I want to keep it a secret for your announcements, but I will just say...we have lots.
Mini sessions went great! I don't know how I managed to shoot over 100 images for each family in 30 minutes (that is normally what I shoot in an hour+)...but I did. Let's just say at the end of November, I am going to sleep for a few days:) Hope all is going well for everyone. Until next time...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
What a GORGEOUS family...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Anyone Holding out for Christmas Sessions???

Just a friendly reminder. I have 5 open sessions left for Christmas orders. I will only be able to do sessions through the 1st week of November to be able to have proofs back and orders in by the November 18th deadline.
Only because I want to include an image....here is a mom (no names included) who didn't want to show her tummy, but after a little nudging, we got her to do it. Of course, she is one of the cute pregnant women:) Wishing you a wonderful finish to your pregnancy and I will NEVER tell who you are:)
Friday, September 22, 2006
Blonde Beauties...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
This session got me wondering...

Are all siblings complete opposites? My kids are. One loves only chocolate, the other only vanilla. One eats mustard, the other is mayonaise only. One likes turkey, the other likes ham. It is funny. These siblings were opposites too. One was really serious and the other couldn't stop smiling...both were absolute dolls, and a joy to photograph.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I'm Back!

Vacation was wonderful...so nice to get some down time with the family. We truly did very little other than sit on the beach:) That is my kind of vacation. We watched dolphins swimming, got to take care of an octopus that was found in a can (we put him back in the ocean after we watched him for about 30 minutes), and built castles. Loved it!!! We are now back to reality, school in the morning, and many sessions on the books. I am excited to get back in the swing of things. Just wanted to share a few :)
Friday, September 01, 2006
New Product

I am really excited about these one of a kind images. I am going to offer them as gallery wrapped canvas. You can use any poem or wording that you would like, to make them unique to your child. I have been feeling like time is slipping through my fingers lately, so this was a way for me to have a "witness to the moment". He just turned 5 and will be giving up that little stuffed dog anytime, so I wanted to have record of him still being a little guy. These will be priced at the gallery wrap price with an additional creation fee. I will have this at Holiday Collectibles:)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Hopefully we are working again!

Thanks to all of you who are referring me. Really, it is an honor to know that you are happy and telling others. I am excited to meet all of the new clients! Remember that I am on vacation next week (yea, me!) but you can reach me by phone or email. On to the fun stuff. I had these twin boys down from Dallas last week, and the whole family was great. It is nice to have a relaxed and laid back session and that is what they had. These boys are gonna break some hearts. Hope you guys had fun at Sea World!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Mini Sessions Are Closed
We are all booked up on the mini sessions. I will be emailing out the time slots by the end of the week. I am excited and a little stressed about the holiday season :) Most of the displays are up (see news on my website)...check in, you may see your son or daughter in a display. They may be famous and not even know it:)
I photographed this little cutie recently, and although this is sad...she is sooooo cute. I just couldn't toss it.
I photographed this little cutie recently, and although this is sad...she is sooooo cute. I just couldn't toss it.

Thursday, August 24, 2006
I haven't been lazy...
I know it appears that I have been very lazy in updating this blog, but it is truly technology issues. I have made multiple attempts to upload all the sweet little sneak peeks that I have but it continues to crash when I add images. I am looking into another blog and will probably make the change soon. I did want to update those looking to do mini sessions for Christmas, I only have 2 left, so if you are interested call me right away. I will also be going on vacation (yea, me!) from September 6-17, so there will be no sessions or previews appointments available during that time. I will be accessing email and will be available by phone...you may hear waves crashing in the background when I answer, but you will get me. Hope all is giong well and everyone is adjusting to their new sleep schedules!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Christmas Cards Are Here!

Let the madness begin:) I know that I start stressing out about Christmas and cards early, and most of you do as well. Here is the plan.
Some of the cards you will see are one of a kind, some are not, however, I will only sell one of each template. This will be done on a first come, first serve basis. You see one you like? Call or email me, and as soon as I receive the $50 deposit (all of which is applied to your card purchase) your template will be pulled from the site. Just let me know which image (or images) you would like and I will email you the design for approval. I will offer one revision at no cost. Many of the designs can be somewhat customized. We can always change the wording and if there is room, we can add more images, or use less. I can also design a card for you, or you can use an image as a full bleed card front. All but 2 of the designs are 5X7 which can be ordered as folded cards, or 5X7 photo cards on either art paper or metallic. The cards are $2.00/each for 100+ or $2.50 each for less than 100. I will offer 20% off to all clients who buy cards using an image from a session completed prior to Sept. 15th. All orders must be placed and finalized by November 18th. October 1st is mini session day. I will schedule 6 mini sessions that will last 30 minutes. There won't be time for clothing changes since we will be on a tight schedule. You will get between 10-15 proofs to choose from online, and 50 Christmas cards for $150.00. I can only schedule 6 of these, so book now.
To view the templates, go to www.fancypantsphotography.com, and go to the proofing section. The password is Christmas. The name of the template will be in the bottom left corner when the image is enlarged.
Hope you all are having a wonderful first week of school.
Monday, August 14, 2006
How sweet is that???
Friday, August 11, 2006
I guess because school is about to start, it is a good time to get emotional. Don't our kids grow up so fast??? Sometimes it would be nice just to slow it down a little. My little guy is going to be 5 this month and I cannot believe it. I still carry him whenever I can, he will be the only kid in 3rd grade whose mom still tries to pick him up:) Hopefully, I will be over it by then. He has told me that when he is grown up and married, he and his wife will live next door to me, so I'm good:) My little girl is now starting 2nd grade...it is crazy.
Speaking of family...and second grade for that matter, I had a wonderful family who obviously love each other so much. I really, really enjoyed them. This is the first one I have opened to proof (it has been a busy week), but I love how close they look.

Good luck on Monday to everyone...I'm sure I will see lots of you there:)
Speaking of family...and second grade for that matter, I had a wonderful family who obviously love each other so much. I really, really enjoyed them. This is the first one I have opened to proof (it has been a busy week), but I love how close they look.

Good luck on Monday to everyone...I'm sure I will see lots of you there:)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Well, believe it or not...it is coming up quick. Time to think about Christmas cards. The way I am planning to do this is still in the works, but I will post all the details next week. One thing I have decided, is to offer designs on a first come, first serve basis. Next week, I will upload several designs to the proofing portion of the website (I will put the password here in the blog). Clients can log in and view choices. These will be taken off the list once a design is reserved. I will be offering a discount to those who want to use an image from a session prior to September 15th, and will also offer 6 mini session packages (again, first come, first serve). I will finalize all the details and get them out there soon. The last card orders will be taken on Novemeber 18th...:) Hope everyone is ready for school, it is about the get crazy.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Cutie Patootie!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
What did I do to deserve this?

I have had the most cooperative and well behaved children lately! They aren't even supposed to be cooperative when they are this little. I have just been very lucky:) In all honesty... I really appreciate the wonderful clients I have had. It has been a pleasure to meet so many of you, and it means the world to me that you have referred me to friends and family.
These two were a breeze, and did I mention cute? It's all about picking out of the candy bowl at the end of the session. I love that candy bowl:)
Sunday, July 30, 2006
The Cabins
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ok, this was new for me. I am mostly kids, maternity, baby, but today...I got a senior. It was so much fun:) I couldn't do seniors with a name like Fancy Pants Photography, so in honor of this session, my seniors (only seniors) will be shot by Kelli Hierholzer Photography. I got a new logo for that too. It was fun all the way around. Just one for now:)

If you wait long enough...
Those silly, funny, crazy, kids will give you a good serious look:) I am sure it is quite apparent that I am partial to the serious ones. I love them! My kids laugh, smile, giggle and act silly, but MOST of the time, the look I see on their face is just a look...It is that kind of serious, maybe in thought, look that I love, and that I look for in the kids I shoot. (Is that a run on sentence or what??? And I used to be a teacher!) Another super cutie!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I love, love, love, these clothes, but then again, you are kind of lucky when your mom owns a boutique:) Oh, to be so lucky! This session was really fun. We felt a little bit mean putting her in a coat in 95 degree weather, but we were quick, and it was worth it.
If you have been in for a session lately, keep a look out for information on the Fancy Pants Photo Contest. I will be posting more within the next few weeks! Hope everyone is having a great summer.
Friday, July 21, 2006
YIKES!!! My site is down.
I am up again!!! Yea! Hope you all like the site and check in often.***
Well, as we all know, things rarely run smoothly with changes in technology. I launched my new site last night (which I am really excited about)...except it is not functioning:( Hopefully, it will be up soon, so check back! Until then, here is another recent one.
I am up again!!! Yea! Hope you all like the site and check in often.***
Well, as we all know, things rarely run smoothly with changes in technology. I launched my new site last night (which I am really excited about)...except it is not functioning:( Hopefully, it will be up soon, so check back! Until then, here is another recent one.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I know a little bit about this kind of relationship. I am the oldest of 3 girls. As either of my sisters will tell you, there were a lot of fights between here and there. Clothes, who gets the car, who told on who...those were the days:) In the end, twenty odd years down the road, my sisters are my best friends. Who would have thought? I see lots of fights, hugs, and friendships in these girls' future. It took a lot to get this shot, (and yes mom, I actually have even more!) but I love the emotion here...it was a different emotion 2 seconds later, but for this moment....
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Babes and Buckaroos

I am excited to announce that we will have displays at Babes and Buckaroos very soon! If you haven't been there, it is a great children's boutique on Bee Caves Road near HWY 71. Classic and trendy clothes, great for portraits and back to school! The boy model is my very own :) and two darling little girls will show off the girly stuff. I will be posting images of them soon. Look for the post, and look for our new display within the coming months!
Friday, July 14, 2006
A Mom Who Did It...
How many times do we flip through photographs, admiring out family? We see everyone there, all the way back to when they were tiny...then we realize that we are in none of the images. Mom's are notorious for being the ones who love photographs...but we are always behind the camera. I admire this mom, because I myself have never taken the time to do this. She got pictures with her kids...I think she will be so happy she did.
I think I need to set up the self timer and get busy:) Good job, Mom....

I think I need to set up the self timer and get busy:) Good job, Mom....

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